Forgo Your Honor and God Will Give You His

One of the greatest challenges in life is remaining calm and collected in the face of insults and criticism.

Naturally all of us deeply desire to be liked, respected and well thought of and even the slightest bruise to our egos leave us emotionally wounded. But why? How can facts, often twisted or out of context, or plain lies or misinformation for that matter bother us so deeply? According to tradition, it bothers us because of our struggle between our spiritual and physical selves and is placed before us as a reminder that there is no “I” in the collective service and honor of God.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, the renowned Chassidic master, declared “The test of true repentance is when a person can allow himself to be abused and ridiculed in silence, patiently accepting all the insults that are thrown at him. Through this he reduces the flood in the left ventricle of the heart – the seat of the animal soul – and slaughters his evil inclination. Then he is worthy of the honor of God” (Likutey Moharan I, 6:2).

Clearly, the challenges concerning our egos, the way people think about and speak about us is a tremendous test in forgoing egotism and dedicating ourselves to the honor of God. For when we honor God completely, our own honor becomes complete as well.

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